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Meet the Author

Mike Dunn – Owner – Author

Mutual Fund Marketing    An entrepreneur at heart, Mike Dunn launched his first computer training and software development business when he was just 21 years old. With Bachelor’s degrees in both Finance and Information Systems wiMike Dunnth minors in Economics and Psychology, Dunn embarked on a sales career for an IT Fortune 50 company. He soared to the top of his field, matching customers’ corporate goals and objectives to bleeding-edge technology. After becoming successful via his sales skills and investing, he has leveraged his 20+ years of leadership in the sales field to help others succeed through his training company, As a thought leader in Internet-related finance, Dunn has been at the forefront of recognizing and acting on game-changing strategies. He melds his expertise in sales and finance in order to quantify return on investment for what Nassim Taleb termed Black Swan Events. Dunn’s current project, Mutual Fund Marketing, focuses on helping Mutual Fund Companies leverage Social Media/Call Center and Mutual Funds sales best practices into a powerful combination to help mutual fund companies achieve and exceed their corporate metrics and goals. Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 – All rights reserved.