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Financial Press Release: 08/10/20

Mutualfunddirectory.org will release a full quarterly ranking update on 8/11/20 at 8:45 AM. 

  • Mutualfunddirectory.org ranks the top 130 mutual fund companies by the key metric of Assets Under Management (AUM) since 2011.
  • To help investors, we now have current news on each of the investment companies to help with your investment company due diligence.
  • Look for an additional investment company (recommended for many investors for diversification) and check up on your existing company.
  • Mutual Fund Directory.org is the top mutual fund company industry directory in the world.
  • The data is updated quarterly but with smaller updates and economic posts during the month.

See the ranking data information at www.mutualfunddirectory.org

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